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AcidIsland Permissions#

Permission Description Default
acidisland.island.lock Allows island locking in settings true
acidisland.settings.* Allow use of settings on island true
acidisland.mod.clearreset Allow clearing of island reset limit false
acidisland.mod.bypasscooldowns Allow moderator to bypass cooldowns op
acidisland.mod.bypassdelays Allow moderator to bypass delays op
acidisland.mod.bypassprotect Allow moderator to bypass island protection op
acidisland.mod.bypassexpel Allow moderator to bypass island expulsion op
acidisland.mod.lock Allows lock or unlock of an island op
acidisland.mod.bypasslock Bypasses an island lock op
acidisland.mod.bypassban Bypasses island ban op
acidisland.mod.noburn Give mod acid protection op
acidisland.admin.noban Player cannot be banned from an island op
acidisland.admin.noexpel Player cannot be expelled from an island op
acidisland.island Allow use of '/ai' command - the main island command TRUE
acidisland.island.home Allow use of '/ai go' command - teleport you to your island TRUE
acidisland.island.spawn Allow use of '/ai spawn' command - teleport you to the spawn TRUE
acidisland.island.create Allow use of '/ai create' command - create an island TRUE
acidisland.island.reset Allow use of '/ai reset' command - restart your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai info' command - display info about your island TRUE
acidisland.island.settings Allow use of '/ai settings' command - display island settings TRUE Allow use of '/ai setname' command - set a name for your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai resetname' command - reset your island name TRUE
acidisland.island.number.x x sets how many islands the player can make. FLASE
acidisland.island.language Allow use of '/ai language' command - select language TRUE
acidisland.island.ban Allow use of '/ai ban' command - ban a player from your island TRUE
acidisland.island.ban Allow use of '/ai unban' command - unban a player from your island TRUE
acidisland.island.ban Allow use of '/ai banlist' command - list banned players TRUE
acidisland.island.expel Allow use of '/ai expel' command - expel a player from your island TRUE
acidisland.island.near Allow use of '/ai near' command - show neighboring islands TRUE Allow use of '/ai team' command - manage your team TRUE Allow use of '/ai team invite' command - invite a player to join your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai team leave' command - leave your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai team setowner' command - transfer your island ownership to a member TRUE Allow use of '/ai team kick' command - remove a member from your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai team accept' command - accept an invitation TRUE Allow use of '/ai team reject' command - reject an invitation TRUE Allow use of '/ai team coop' command - make a player coop rank on your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai team uncoop' command - remove a coop rank from player TRUE Allow use of '/ai team trust' command - give a player trusted rank on your island TRUE Allow use of '/ai team untrust' command - remove trusted player rank from player TRUE Allow use of '/ai team promote' command - promote a player on your island up a rank TRUE Allow use of '/ai team demote' command - demote a player on your island down a rank TRUE
acidisland.island.sethome Allow use of '/ai sethome' command - set your home teleport point TRUE
acidisland.island.deletehome Allow use of '/aideletehome' command - delete a home location OP
acidisland.island.renamehome Allow use of '/airenamehome' command - rename a home location OP Allow use of '/ai homes' command - list your homes OP
acidisland.admin Allow use of '/acid' command - admincommand OP
acidisland.admin.version Allow use of '/acid version' command - display BentoBox and addons versions OP Allow use of '/acid tp' command - teleport to a player's island OP
acidisland.admin.tpnether Allow use of '/acid tpnether' command - teleport to a player's island OP
acidisland.admin.tpend Allow use of '/acid tpend' command - teleport to a player's island OP
acidisland.admin.getrank Allow use of '/acid getrank' command - get a player's rank on their island or the island owner OP
acidisland.admin.setrank Allow use of '/acid setrank' command - set a player's rank on their island or the island owner OP Allow use of '/acid info' command - get info on where you are or player's island OP Allow use of '/acid team' command - manage teams FALSE Allow use of '/acid team' command - manage teams FALSE Allow use of '/acid team add' command - add player to owner's team OP Allow use of '/acid team disband' command - disband owner's team OP Allow use of '/acid team fix' command - scans and fixes cross island membership in database OP Allow use of '/acid team kick' command - kick a player from a team OP Allow use of '/acid team setowner' command - transfers island ownership to the player OP Allow use of '/acid add' command - add player to owner's team OP Allow use of '/acid kick' command - kick a player from a team OP Allow use of '/acid disband' command - disband owner's team OP Allow use of '/acid setowner' command - transfers island ownership to the player OP Allow use of '/acid fix' command - scans and fixes cross island membership in database OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint Allow use of '/acid blueprint' command - manipulate blueprints OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.load Allow use of '/acid blueprint load' command - load blueprint into the clipboard OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.paste Allow use of '/acid blueprint paste' command - paste the clipboard to your location OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.origin Allow use of '/acid blueprint origin' command - set the blueprint's origin to your position OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.copy Allow use of '/acid blueprint copy' command - copy the clipboard set by pos1 and pos2 OP Allow use of '/acid blueprint save' command - save the copied clipboard OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.rename Allow use of '/acid blueprint rename' command - rename a blueprint OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.delete Allow use of '/acid blueprint delete' command - delete the blueprint OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.pos1 Allow use of '/acid blueprint pos1' command - set 1st corner of cuboid clipboard OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.pos2 Allow use of '/acid blueprint pos2' command - set 2nd corner of cuboid clipboard OP
acidisland.admin.blueprint.list Allow use of '/acid blueprint list' command - list available blueprints OP
acidisland.admin.register Allow use of '/acid register' command - register player to unowned island you are on OP
acidisland.admin.unregister Allow use of '/acid unregister' command - unregister owner from island, but keep island blocks OP
acidisland.admin.range Allow use of '/acid range' command - admin island range command OP
acidisland.admin.range.display Allow use of '/acid range display' command - show/hide island range indicators OP
acidisland.admin.range.set Allow use of '/acid range set' command - sets the island protected range OP
acidisland.admin.range.reset Allow use of '/acid range reset' command - resets the island protected range to the world default OP
acidisland.admin.range.add Allow use of '/acid range add' command - increases the island protected range OP
acidisland.admin.range.remove Allow use of '/acid range remove' command - decreases the island protected range OP
acidisland.admin.resets Allow use of '/acid resets' command - edit player reset values OP
acidisland.admin.resets.set Allow use of '/acid resets set' command - sets how many times this player has reset his island OP
acidisland.admin.resets.remove Allow use of '/acid resets reset' command - sets the player's island reset count to 0 OP
acidisland.admin.resets.add Allow use of '/acid resets add' command - adds this player's island reset count OP
acidisland.admin.resets.remove Allow use of '/acid resets remove' command - reduces the player's island reset count OP
acidisland.admin.delete Allow use of '/acid delete' command - deletes a player's island OP
acidisland.admin.why Allow use of '/acid why' command - toggle console protection debug reporting OP
acidisland.admin.deaths Allow use of '/acid deaths' command - edit deaths of players OP
acidisland.admin.deaths.reset Allow use of '/acid deaths reset' command - resets deaths of the player OP
acidisland.admin.deaths.set Allow use of '/acid deaths set' command - sets deaths of the player OP
acidisland.admin.deaths.add Allow use of '/acid deaths add' command - adds deaths to the player OP
acidisland.admin.deaths.remove Allow use of '/acid deaths remove' command - removes deaths to the player OP
acidisland.admin.reload Allow use of '/acid reload' command - reload OP
acidisland.admin.setspawn Allow use of '/acid setspawn' command - set an island as spawn for this gamemode OP
acidisland.admin.setspawnpoint Allow use of '/acid setspawnpoint' command - set current location as spawn point for this island OP
acidisland.admin.resetflags Allow use of '/acid resetflags' command - Reset all islands to default flag settings in config.yml OP
acidisland.mod.switch Allow use of '/acid switch' command - switch on/off protection bypass OP
acidisland.admin.purge Allow use of '/acid purge' command - purge islands abandoned for more than [days] OP
acidisland.admin.purge.status Allow use of '/acid purge status' command - displays the status of the purge OP
acidisland.admin.purge.stop Allow use of '/acid purge stop' command - stop a purge in progress OP
acidisland.admin.purge.unowned Allow use of '/acid purge unowned' command - purge unowned islands OP
acidisland.admin.purge.protect Allow use of '/acid purge protect' command - toggle island purge protection OP
acidisland.admin.settings Allow use of '/acid settings' command - open settings GUI or set settings OP
acidisland.admin.setprotectionlocation Allow use of '/acid setprotectionlocation' command - set current location or [x y z] as center of island's protection area OP
acidisland.mod.deletehomes Allow use of '/acid deletehomes' command - deletes all named homes from an island OP
acidisland.mod.resetname Allow use of '/acid resetname' command - reset player island name OP

Last update: October 17, 2023 01:24:48