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IslandFly allows players to fly on their island.

Created and maintained by tastybento.


  1. Install BentoBox and run it on the server at least once to create its data folders.
  2. Place this jar in the addons folder of the BentoBox plugin.
  3. Restart the server.
  4. The addon will create a data folder and inside the folder will be a config.yml.
  5. Stop the server.
  6. Edit config.yml how you want.
  7. Restart the server.


After addon is successfully installed, it will create config.yml file. Every option in this file comes with comments about them. Please check file for more information. You can find the latest config file: config.yml


How many seconds the addon will wait before disabling fly mode when a player exit his island.


If the fly mode should be disabled when a player disconnect.


This list stores GameModes in which islandFly addon should not work. To disable addon it is necessary to write its name in new line that starts with -.


    - BSkyBlock


This allows the player to use the command outside the island protection range.



[player_command] and [admin_command] are commands that differ depending on the gamemode you are running. The Gamemodes' config.yml file contains options that allows you to modify these values. As an example, on BSkyBlock, the default [player_command] is island, and the default [admin_command] is bsbadmin.

  • /[player_command] fly: toggles flight on / off.



[gamemode] is a prefix that differs depending on the gamemode you are running. The prefix is the lowercased name of the gamemode, i.e. if you are using BSkyBlock, the prefix is bskyblock. Similarly, if you are using AcidIsland, the prefix is acidisland.

  • [gamemode] - (default: true) - Allows the player to use '/[player_command] fly' command.
  • [gamemode].island.flyspawn - (default: op) - Allows the player to fly at spawn island.
  • [gamemode].island.flybypass - (default: op) - Allows the player to fly on other player islands.


Can you add a feature X?

Please add it to the list here.

I have a bug, where should I report it?

Please add it to the list here.


We need your help!

A vast majority of strings in BentoBox and its addons can be translated into virtually any language. However, most of the translations that are provided with BentoBox or said addons are made by the community, on which we heavily rely. We cannot review all the content of these translations nor guarantee its quality, hence why we highly appreciate any contributions.

  • If your language is not available for this addon or if you would like to improve the existing translation, please read the translation guidelines and start translating!
  • If your language is not listed below, please contact us on Discord and we will setup everything so that you can start translating!
Available Language Language code Progress
English (United States) en-US 100% (Default)
Chinese, China zh-CN progress
Chinese, Hong Kong zh-HK progress
Chinese, Taiwan zh-TW progress
Croatian hr progress
Czech cs progress
French fr progress
German de progress
Hungarian hu progress
Indonesian id progress
Italian it progress
Japanese ja progress
Korean ko progress
Latvian lv progress
Polish pl progress
Portuguese pt progress
Romanian ro progress
Russian ru progress
Spanish es progress
Turkish tr progress
Vietnamese vi progress
Ukrainian uk progress
Dutch nl progress

Last update: September 4, 2023 23:42:30