BentoBox implements a few commands to help you manage your whole BentoBox installation.
Available commands (as of 2.2.0)
Command | Permission | Description |
/bentobox [help/h] | bentobox.admin | Displays all available BentoBox commands |
/bentobox about | bentobox.about | Displays copyright and license information |
/bentobox catalog | bentobox.admin.catalog | Displays the Catalog |
/bentobox locale | bentobox.admin.locale | Performs localization files analysis |
/bentobox manage/overview | bentobox.admin.manage | Displays the Management Panel |
/bentobox migrate | bentobox.admin.migrate | Migrates data from one database to another |
/bentobox perms | bentobox.admin.perms | Displays the effective perms for BentoBox and Addons in a YAML format |
/bentobox rank [list | add | remove] [rank reference] [rank value] | bentobox.admin.rank | list, add, or remove ranks |
/bentobox reload/rl | bentobox.admin.reload | Reloads BentoBox and all addons, settings and locales |
/bentobox version/v/versions/addons | bentobox.version | Displays BentoBox and addons versions |
An alias for /bentobox
is /bbox
When filing bug reports or asking for support, you must provide the output of the /bentobox version
command so that we know what version of the software, database and addons you are using.
Last update: April 3, 2024 21:27:06